Monday, 23 April 2012

Dang the Wetter

I haven't really got much to write in past few days. Yep, Big. FAT. Lie. I'm actually beginning to think that I've underestimated the power of updating a blog.

We'll leave it at that.

Today's entry is about the weather.

7.00 am : Tra lala lala. I'm walking down the street in my little black shoes. It ain't too cold and I can feeeeel my hands.

8.00 am : I'm nodding my head to a beat. Katy Perry's ET, in case you're curious. I'm waiting by the lamp post. Oh look, there's water vapour! Oh my, it's coming from me!!

10.00 am : Ah, what a lovely day. ~You are my sunshine, my only sunshine~

11.00 am : Do I hear something? Do you hear something? Gah! It's raining! Quick, close the window!!

12.00 pm : Hey, the sun's back!! Hallo Sunnny! Wie geht's?!

12.40 pm : Eh? Ehhhh?? EhhhhhHHHHHhhhhhh!!! Why is it raining again?!

12.55 pm : Yo Sun. Stay out till I get to the other side of town.

2.15 pm : Don't do it...No...Nooo....NOOOO!!

2.16 pm : ~It's raining, it's pouring~

2.45 pm : AaaHAH! Here's my chance. Catch me if you can, Ye Blasted Rain!

4.00 pm : Is it just me, or does it seem to be getting reeeeally dark in here...??

5.00 pm : Brrrr. It's cold.

5.30 pm : Brrrr brrrr. It's very cold.

6.00 pm : Oh for the love of God. So now you show up eh? And just when I'm headed home.

Guess what? Tomorrow, I'll be armed with an UMBRELLA. Huh.

Now this is my kindda thing..

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